Electrolytes play a crucial role in maintaining optimal energy levels and overall health. These essential minerals (sodium, chloride, potassium, and magnesium) support proper hydration, muscle function, and nerve transmission. During physical activity or in situations of increased fluid loss, such as sweating, electrolytes help prevent dehydration and muscle cramps. All these minerals are available in most foods, and sometimes we need to supplement them with an electrolyte powder or drink.
We’re used to seeing athletes chugging down these brightly colored drinks. However, no one needs to be an athlete to benefit from electrolytes. In fact, many of us who consume a typical American diet may be electrolyte deficient, even if we’re not very physically active. We may not be consuming enough in our daily meals, or we’re consuming enough but our level of physical activity may demand more than what’s available in our bodies.
Good natural sources of electrolytes include table salt (sodium & chloride) and savory foods such as soups and broths. Magnesium is found in brans (rice, wheat bran), seeds (pepitas, sunflower), and nuts. Potassium is found in dried fruits, tree fruits (avocadocs, oranges, bananas, apples), vine fruits (tomatoes, cucumbers), root vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes), and leafy greens (kale, spinach). For many reasons, we may not be getting enough of these in our daily nutrition. Perhaps you may have cut down on the amount of salt you put in your food. For a period of time, salt was demonized, mostly from the epidemic of hypertension.
Some symptoms of an electrolyte imbalance include fatigue, headaches, muscle cramps & spasms, nausea, diarrhea, and constipation. Though there are many variables that could lead to symptoms like these, a lack of electrolytes could be contributing, especially if they’ve been persistent. The doctors of physical therapy here at Launch can do a thorough analysis of your nutrition and health to determine if you’d benefit from electrolyte supplementation. Call today to schedule an evaluation